Molecular Analytics
The core facility Molecular Analytics provides various analytical methods and platforms for genotyping and gene expression analysis, DNA sequencing as well as array-based genomic analyses. Our facility runs a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (Sequenom System), real-time PCR instrumentation including 7900HT and OpenArray Systems, LightCycler, and a BioMark HD system (Fluidigm) for a broad range of micro-fluid based genomic applications. Moreover, we operate an 8-Capillary 3500DX ABI Genetic Analyzer to be used in both research and diagnostic setting, and a GeneChip Affymetrix microarray platform equipped with two Fluidics 450 stations. Workflows for spatial transcriptomics from fresh-frozen and/or FFPE tissue using the Visium CytAssist instrument (10xGenomics) are established.
The core facility team is responsible for the device maintenance and for the establishment and validation of new technologies and methods. The team also provides technical support for users at the IKP / RBK regarding experimental setup, implementation of methods for a certain research question and for data analyses. For certain applications that require error-free operation, e.g. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer based genotyping systems are exclusively operated by the core facility team.