Major projects
- Candidate and genome wide search for breast cancer susceptibility genes
- Genotype – phenotype correlations for the description of breast cancer subtypes
- Tamoxifen pharmacogenomics and translation
- Estrogen receptor regulation
- Pharmacogenomics of anti cancer drugs
- Epigenetic approaches for the identification of novel treatment predictors and drug targets
- PhD Curriculum “Fighting Drug Failure”
Major Networks and Collaborations
Research Network Coordinator, Principle Investigator and International Network Collaborations
- The Interdisciplinary Study Group on Gene ENvironment Interactions and Breast CAncer in Germany (GENICA) for the identification of breast cancer susceptibility genes (funded by BMBF 1999-2010). This population-based case-control study recruited more than 2000 incident breast cancer cases and controls for the conduct of molecular epidemiological studies which have become an integral part of the research activities of the
- Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC: since 2005) - Global networks of more than 90 studies investigating more than 320.000 breast cancer cases and controls for the identification of novel breast cancer susceptibility loci based on GWAS.
- Collaborative Oncological Gene-Environment Study (COGS: since 2010-2015) - Mega-Consortium for the identification of genetic determinates of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer as well as lifestyle factors that influence the risk of these cancers; Identification of the genetics influence on type of tumor and prognosis of the diseases.
- OncoArray Network (ongoing): Mega Consortium to gain new insight into the genetic architecture and mechanisms underlying breast, ovarian, prostate, colorectal, and lung cancers. Focus is on the discovery of new cancer susceptibility variants. In addition, through fine mapping and high-density genotyping, this project offers an unprecedented opportunity to determine variants in known loci and to identify new – and rarer – variants.
- B_CAST (ongoing): 20,000 tumors from a unique worldwide collection from large-scale epidemiological studies, clinical studies and biobanks are subjected to targeted sequencing towards risk and prognosis modelling of breast cancer (2016).
- BRIDGES (ongoing): Existing datasets will be expanded by sequencing of all known breast cancer susceptibility genes in 20,000 breast cancer cases and 20,000 controls from population-based studies, and 10,000 cases from multiple case families towards the identification of women at high-risk of breast cancer
- International Tamoxifen Pharmacogenomics Consortium, member of the Steering Committee (ITPC), (2009 - 2016). Established global evidence for the role of Tamoxifen CYP2D6 pharmacogenetics for breast cancer outcome of ER positive early breast cancer.
Principle Investigator in German Research Networks
- Improvement of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Tübingen-Stuttgart (funded by BMBF), since 2005
- MARIE-GENICA Consortium for the identification of constitutional factors predictive for the risk to develop breast cancer following hormone replacement therapy (MARIE: MAmmakarzinom RIsikofaktoren-Erhebung) (funded by BMBF), (2005-2010)
- TAMENDOX: Innovation for Individualized Medicine: Genotype and phenotype guided supplementation of TAMoxifen standard therapy with ENDOXifen in breast cancer patients (Phase I/II clinical trial, funded by BMBF, since 2015 ongoing)
Lead Applicant and Coordinator of EU Training Site and Networks
- My personalized medicine oriented projects for innovative biomarker-guided clinical trial design and treatment concepts provide a platform for the training of national and international PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. Particularly the EU funded Marie Curie Programs FightingBreastCancer and the Innovative Training Network (ITN) FightingDrugFailure provided an opportunity for the training of 20 PhD students from 12 countries.
- 5FP: Marie Curie Training Site Stuttgart/Tübingen: “Fighting Breast Cancer” (European PhD Training Program (2001 to 2005)
- 7FP PEOPLE-Initial Training Network (ITN) FightingDrugFailure (2009-2013) The network establishes the first European Curriculum in the field of Pharmacogenomics for young investigators. The program foresees pharmacogenomic research training of 15 international young investigators at nine specialized academic and industry sites in Germany, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Russia, and Switzerland, and is supported by US researchers from the Mayo Clinic-NIH Pharmacogenetics Research Network (PGRN) and Georgetown University Medical Center.
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Professional Career