Fellowships, Prizes and Awards
- 2022 Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in Pharmacology & Toxicology (1 of 3 in Sweden)
- 2020 AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists) High Impact Award 2020
- 2017 Lennart Philipson Prize
- 2014 Marie Curie Fellowship
- 2009 EMBL International PhD Program Graduate Fellowship
- 2009 Top Master of Science (M.Sc.) Award
- 2006 Erasmus Fellowship (Ecotoxicology at the University of Bergen, Norway)
- 2002 Fördern, Fordern, Forschen Award
Grants and Funding
- Consolidator Grant by the Board for Research (PI)
- German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (co-PI)
- Swedish Research Foundation (VR) Project Grant (PI)
- Bioprinting Infrastructure Grant (PI)
- CIMED grant in Personalized Medicine (co-PI)
- Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation COVID19 Grant (PI)
- Ruth och Richard Julins Foundation for Gastroenterology (PI)
- International Network Medicine Consortium (INMC) Seed Grant (PI)
- Karolinska Institutet Senior Scientist Grant (PI)
- Organ-On-A-Chip Technologies Network Grant (co-PI)
- Swedish Research Foundation (VR) 3R Grant (PI)
- Swedish Strategic Research Program in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (PI)
- ERC Synergy grant SPHERES (Partner)
- IMI2 EUbOPEN (Partner)
- HepaPredict admitted into the Karolinska Innovations DRIVE program
- Harald Jeansson Grant (PI)
- Rolf Luft Grant for Diabetes Research (PI)
- Lennart Philipson Grant (PI)
- Swedish Research Foundation (VR) Starting Grant (PI)
- Swedish Research Foundation (VR) 3R Grant (PI)
- KI Fonder Grant (PI)
- Swedish Research Foundation (VR) Proof-of-concept (co-PI)
- KI Early Verification Grant (PI)
- Lars Hierta Research Grant (PI)
- Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne Research Grant (PI)
- Eva och Oscar Ahréns Grant for Medical Research (PI)
In addition, we receive generous funding from Karolinska Institutet, the Robert Bosch Foundation for Medical Research, Merck KGaA and Eli Lilly and Company.
Teaching Portfolio
Teaching activities include seminars and practical courses in local anaesthetics, cardiovascular pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and receptor pharmacology for biomedical, medical and dentistry students.
Commissions of Trust and Memberships in Scientific Societies
- Since 2021: Co-founder and CSO of PersoMedix AB
- Since 2021: TATA Fellow of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), New Delhi, India
- Since 2021: Co-founder and CSO of PersoMedix AB
- Since 2019: International Union of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Young Investigator Committee
- Since 2019: Board member of the Swedish Society of Medicine (Section of Pharmacology)
- Since 2019: Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action “Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) Network”
- Since 2019: Member of the International Network Medicine Consortium (INMC) Steering Group
Editorial Board Member
Associate Editor:
- The Pharmacogenomics Journal (Board Member since 2020; Associate Editor since 2023)
- Human Genomics (Board Member since 2017; Associate Editor since 2022)
- Computational & Structural Biotechnology Journal (Since 2020)
Senior Editor:
- Annals of Human Genetics (Since 2019)
Editorial Board Member:
- Pharmacological Reviews (Since 2023)
- Frontiers in Pharmacology (Since 2017)
- Frontiers in Medicine (Since 2018)
- Drug Metabolism Reviews (Since 2019)
- Current Drug Metabolism (Since 2019)
- Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (Since 2020)
- Pharmacogenomics Research and Personalized Medicine (Since 2020)
- Precision Cancer Medicine (Since 2020)
Reviewer for National Agencies
- Welcome Trust (2018)
- Health Canada & GenomeBC Canada (2017, 2018, 2019)
- Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (2019)
- Swiss Science Foundation (2020)
- Dutch Research Foundation (2020, 2021, 2023)
- French Research Council (2021, 2022)
- Israeli Science Foundation (2021)
- German Science Foundation – Network of University Medicine (2021)
- Brazilian Science Foundation (2021)
- Austrian Science Fund (2021)
- India Alliance Fellowship (2022)
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation (2022)
- Finnish Research Council (2023)
- German Research Foundation (DFG; 2023)